Digital Touch:

How it works

I start the session by listening and by analyzing any problems you may have in organizing your physical and mental activities – problems which may keep you from freeing your emotions.

Thanks to a psycho-ergonomic approach, this first exchange will help us to determine what you can do to connect with the real world, and thus help me to help you.

Every human being is a whole, whose resources unite and harmonize more or less in his actions. This is the meaning of Tao (the Way).

This psycho-ergonomic model, developed over 10 years and transmitted to me, reveals how each of our actions becomes a source of well-being if we organize our efficiency. Although all elements are linked in our actions and resources, it becomes difficult to act alone if we must contradict our own beliefs and emotions at the same time.

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By massage therapy we will unlock your emotions, your pains and fears stored in your abdomen. Together we will discover their underlying causes, by means of a specific ‘digital touch’ for each body, since each of us has a personal history that is unique. Getting in touch with our personal history without flinching can reconcile us to ourselves and to life.

By sending old data and memories of previous generations to the archives, you will open up space in your hard drive , open up room for you to accept new data.

Since life has given me highly developed sensors in my finger tips,’digital touch’, every feeling, pain, sensation is transmitted, then setfree. We may thus progress according to your body rhythm. No forcing, only a receptive presence.

This is what I have to offer.

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